Monday, August 26, 2013

Burlap bunting: Welcome

Burlap bunting: Welcome
As you know, I am in love with the burlap craze...and I have leftover burlap from previous projects, so I wanted to keep the craze going. I wanted to create something to tie my burlap accent pillows into my mud room, so let's make a burlap welcome sign quick.

Supplies you need:  
  • Burlap-half a yard should bee good, but a got a full yard to make more than one $2.97/yd
  • Random light colored/printed fabric- mine was left overs. It's going to be the base of the pillow because burlap has bigger gaps and I didn't want the stuffing to be 
  • Paint/Sharpies-you can get the fabric ones, but I got the regular ones because the final project would  not washed ($2 for a 3-pack). I decided to buy the $.97 black paint in the Walmart craft section for this because I had some stencils that would work for this project.
  • Stencil/Lettering-you can buy a stencils or just print off the words you want. I used some letter stencils that you can find at Walmart. You could also print off the words or design you want on plain copy paper and trace
  • Lace-the amount you need depends on how many letters are in you bunting, but I got the $1 lace ball (lace in a little container that looks like it came out of the quarter machine) from Walmart. You can also see what scrapes of ribbon you have laying around and use that.
  • Buttons-I grabbed a $1 mixed black and white pack, but I'm sure if I would've looked around that house I would have plenty.
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Glue-a hot glue gun or no fray glue (Stop Fray or any kind of liquid stitch would work)

The Steps:
  1. Cut a triangle out on cardboard. Use this and cut 7 triangles out on the burlap. I quick drew mine without using a ruler because I didn't care if the triangles were perfectly shaped.
  2. Stencil or trace your letters onto the burlap. I used a stencil brush (foam, rounded with a flat bottom) and got this done in about a minute for all of the letters. Be sure to put newspaper or something down because it will soak through the back side. Let these dry completely before you move them.
  3. Use your no fray glue around the edges of each letter and let dry. I originally didn't do this because I liked it a bit frayed, but the little weight of the banner will cause the burlap to pull apart. You could also sew each triangle, but I was too lazy to get the sewing machine.
  4. Place the letters in the order and approximate angle you want it to hang, overlapping the corners.
  5. Take your lace or ribbon and drape it along the top of the banner.
  6. In the corners where the letters over lap, stitch the button on going through both the lace and the burlap. Continue to do this for every overlap and one on each end for a completed look
  7. Done! You could completely sew the lace on, but it's not necessary.

Side note: I made the frame in which my sign is hanging.
To do so:
  1. Find an old  body length mirror frame, chalk board frame or cabinet door frame. I got mine from a cabinet shop. The frame was made the wrong size, so I simply asked if I could have it in exchange for cookies. That and my husband works there so I get random scrap mistakes.
  2. I took the frame and literally wiped on the paint with an old garbage t-shirt. I wanted it to look messy...and it does.
  3. Chicken wire. You can find this at Lowe's or most home improvement stores (at least if you live in the midwest).
  4. Cutting the chicken wire to fit was a pain. Be sure you have some sort of gloves on to speed up the process.
  5. Put the chicken wire in the frame and seal it in with clear caulk/silicone.

What kind of bunting will you make? Send me your ideas.
I don't have kids, but would love to do one for a little baby room!

Thanks for reading,

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