Friday, September 13, 2013

High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday is a weekly link-up hosted  at Lauren Elizabeth (love her blog). It's a chance to reflect on your week and remember some (five, to be exact) of your favorite things about it. This is my first week and here's a taste of what I'm loving this week:
  1. I know Jello shots are a very college thing to love, but I do love them. My mom and I (goofy I know) make them for tailgating. It's so fun to see young and old people connect at our tailgate spot because of a simple Jello shots. College students (21+) and alumni in retirement connect and meet because we bring these. It's so fun. Who doesn't love to tailgate? Great food, drinks, and great people!
  2. My new seat covers. My mom is this uber talented sewer and she made these for me without a pattern in an hour! We got the fabric 70% off at Hancock Fabrics this weekend, so the total cost was about $12. I honestly love seat covers for my car. I have a dog that sheds a lot and these covers save me. My seats look brand new because I've always had seat covers.
  3. My new owl. Again, 60% off at Hancock fabrics. I like all of the colors. It adds a little bit of fun and silly to my office. I don't think offices need to be so stuffy. I work at a university and I want students to feel comfortable when they come in.
  4. My new niece Lanie is so stinkin' cute. She's been filling my extra time. I'm hosting a baby-q co-ed shower tonight. I'll post later to let you know how it goes.
  5. My husband and my pup. Ok, he's an old man not a pup, but I heart these two big time. The weather's been cooling off at night so we can all enjoy a drink, a fire, and eachother's company at night.
Cheers to the weekend!

PS-I made this awesome college at Fotor and love it! That site has so much fun stuff.
Also, if you haven't linked up for H54F, you should!

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