Friday, October 4, 2013

High five {Fridays}

The five things I'm loving this week:
  1. 1. Junk Bonanza. Absolutely the most fun and creative event I've ever been to in my life. So many inspirations and ideas there. To top it off, everyone had a smile on their face, all for the love of junk.
  2. My fam. Jay is the best guy. Always there. Always keeps me grounded, but isn't afraid to let me dream a bit with my head in the clouds. Always my voice of reason.
  3. FGL. Florida Georgia Line puts on a great show. I went last night and it was exactly what I needed after the week I've had. Thank God for good friends who will dance the heal off their boots with you!
  4. "Someday it's gunna make sense," seems to be my new mantra lately or so I keep trying to engrave that idea in my head.
  5. South Dakota traffic. Talk about a beautiful sky. There's something special about being in the middle of no where; it makes you feel as if you're really part of something bigger.
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