Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Top 5 for Greater Satisfaction in Life

5. Disconnect from technology
Ever been out for drinks, or well...anything, and your friend won't put down the damn phone? Yeah. That sucks. I don't know about you, but when it happens to me I feel like they would rather be with the person they're on the phone with. Disconnect a bit and focus on the real and true friendship that's sitting right there beside you and stop focusing on 'friendships' based on Facebook likes.

4. Be a REAL friend
To piggyback on number five, be a real friend. Be present in their life. Don't assume that someone's social media life is really what's going on in their lives. Liking someone's photo or status doesn't really do anything but offer a materialistic means of gratification. The picture of your friend's kid that you liked...yeah, have you ever met the kid? I don't know about you but to me things mean a lot more when they're directed at me individually and not through social media. Be the person who's their for your friend when there is no social media status, when it's just every day life that we're all trying to get through.

3. Be Kind
Every single one of us is facing a battle--most of those battles we never know about, but they continue to go on.  All we can do is be kind. We can take the extra time and care with each other and each others feelings. Stranger or not, kindness goes a long way.

2. Be Thankful
We tend to dwell and focus on those things we don't have. I know I'm guilty of it. We need to focus on the positive in our lives and use those positives as stepping stones to move forward with our lives. Every single damn negative thing has given us a new perspective and outlook and we need to use those negatives and develop from them. Take the time to really see and be a part of what you're thankful for in life.

1. YOU (yes you!) are perfect as-is.
I don't care if you have an extra 5 or 50lbs, you are perfect as-is. You are who you are and who you are is what matters. Stop focusing on negative things you want to change. See the thing you see as imperfections, are actually the thing people love most about you. Our so-called flaws help define us--if we were all society's perfect Barbie doll, we would all be the same. We wouldn't have any uniqueness to set us apart. So keep smiling with that non-so-perfect smile. Keep laughing that crazy loud and weird sounding laugh that makes people stare.

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