Monday, May 12, 2014

Infertility on Mother's Day

Infertility on Mother's Day has been the sum of the last three years Mother's Day.

It's a day of celebration of those who raised us and took care of us along the way.
I love my mom and those who are mom's in my life that surround me, yet on this day I have a heavy heart.

What does it mean to be a mother? I would say someone who would give anything for you, for a child is pretty damn close to a defining summary of mother-istic qualities. That is something I, and my TTC sisters, have.

I would give anything for a child.
I've miscarried, does that make me a mother?
I've put my mind, body, and soul through the ringer for the chance to have a child--does that qualify me?

The resume of things I've done, am willing to do, and would do for a child grows daily.
My resume is likely longer than most mother's out there, yet they still have the title that I covet: Mother.

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