Sometimes I left life get bigger than myself.
Sometimes I let life bring me down and put a value on my worth.
Stupid, I know.
As I was sulking during my lunch break, my sweet old man of a dog sat by me and gave me a big 'ol wet kiss.
That's when it hit me; that's when I stopped and saw the bigger picture.
I saw myself how my dog sees me.
He doesn't care about the extra weight I put on.
He doesn't care what my hair looks like or what clothes I'm wearing.
He certainly doesn't care what my job title is or how much money I make.
He sees me for who I am based on the things he sees me do.
He sees me as someone who loves him unconditionally, and can't stay mad at him if he has an accident.
He sees me as the lady he loves to pull on walks and rewards him with treats.
He sees my tears and gets sad eyes.
He sees me as someone worth loving.
He loves me despite it all: despite not taking him on walks everyday and despite leaving him home alone while I work.
Despite it all, he sits there and waits for me and waits to love me.
When life gets too big or too much, just remember how your dog sees you.